For Children with Developmental Disorders

Parents with a child who has health issues initially face despair and uncertainty, followed by a lack of funds, exhaustion, and emotional burnout. These children need comprehensive long-term support, which the state, unfortunately, cannot currently provide. Therefore, community help is essential.


We have helped and continue to help Amēlija and Timurs from Rēzekne, Madars and Ričards from Ventspils, Mihails from Jelgava, Valters from Madona, Marks from Bauska, and many other children. However, even more children from other cities in Latvia need substantial support for regular therapy sessions.

Autism is a neurological developmental disorder that affects a child's behavior, communication, and social skills. Its manifestations can vary greatly. A child with autism may not speak, avoid eye contact, and be isolated in their own world. It can be challenging to communicate with them within the family, and they struggle to form friendships with peers. They may be afraid of loud noises or unexpected situations, leading to hysteria and panic attacks in public places, and sometimes aggression.

The earlier these children receive help, the greater the chances of overcoming the symptoms of the diagnosis by school age and successfully integrating into the learning environment and peer group.

For children with more severe autism, it is crucial to acquire necessary self-care and communication skills to ensure their quality of life is as inclusive as possible in society.

These children require ongoing rehabilitation and therapy courses, ABA therapy, Montessori sessions, occupational therapy, speech therapy, and other activities. State support in this area is insufficient, and parents cannot afford these costs. Often, only one parent can work because the child needs 24/7 attention.

Children with Physical Developmental Disorders

Nervous system disorders, genetic diseases, or brain injuries often result in serious physical developmental issues: breathing problems, weak muscles, limited motor functions, inability to maintain a sitting position, etc.

These children need long-term activities, therapies, and procedures to improve their quality of life. Parents work selflessly with these children, achieving good results and often surpassing doctors' worst predictions. However, in all these situations, financial resources are necessary for development.

In our circle of care are Artis, Jānis, and Dominiks from Rīga, Kristaps from Vecumnieki, Ance from Alūksne, Dārta from Koknese, Olivers from Preiļi, and many other children who were born with severe diagnoses. In front of their parents, we can not only bow our heads in deepest respect but also provide real help.

Anyone with healthy children and grandchildren values this wealth – health, and therefore sympathizes with the misfortune of other children and parents. We highly appreciate this responsiveness and willingness to donate.

We will be grateful for any donation.
Charity Fund BeOpen
Reg. No. 50008218201
Address: Smilšu iela 6, Riga, LV-1050, Latvia
Account number: LV16 CBBR 1123 2155 0059 0
Bank: BluOr Bank AS (SWIFT code: CBBRLV22)

Please specify the purpose of the donation: Children with developmental disorders