Special Dreams for Special Children

Every child has their own dreams, often varied and unique. Usually, these dreams are fulfilled by their parents. However, for special children affected by severe illnesses, their dreams are quite different and not always easy to realize. Often, parents lack the means to fulfill these dreams. But we can! With the support of generous donors, we can help children with serious diagnoses believe in themselves, strengthen them emotionally, give them a break, and provide mental rehabilitation.

The first participants in the "Special Dreams for Special Children" program were four children with mobility impairments from Riga and Valmiera who received their special tricycles. These tricycles give them the opportunity to feel as equal as their healthy peers and also promote rehabilitation. The bicycles are equipped with special footrests and back supports. Additionally, the tricycles come with an electric drive, allowing them to keep moving forward even when their legs get tired.

In the second group of program participants were three wonderful girls at an age when they dream of beautiful dresses and the joy of dressing up for special occasions. However, their daily life involves wheelchairs, often accompanied by isolation and fear of being misunderstood and not accepted by their peers.

As part of the project, the girls received a wonderful gift – a theoretical and practical workshop. They not only gained new knowledge but also greater self-confidence and the much-needed realization that a wheelchair or other mobility restrictions are not obstacles to feminine beauty and the development of a vibrant, interesting personality. (The project was carried out in collaboration with the magazine IEVA: in addition to the workshop, a wonderful photo shoot was organized, along with a serious conversation about the girls' talents, determination, perseverance, and what sometimes causes them pain.)

Fulfilling the dreams of special children means giving a day full of joy and adventure to war-affected Ukrainian children at the “Avārijas brigāde” adventure and amusement park. It also means taking families whose children's dreams are limited by illness and financial constraints to this park.

In 2024, we began a collaboration with the charity organization "Rainbow in Cyprus", within which we provide families with children with special needs a 7-10 day mental rehabilitation program in sunny Cyprus.

Within this program, children build faith in their abilities, the numerous experiences provide new energy for the whole family, offer a respite to exhausted and emotionally drained mothers, and add color to everyday life for other siblings who often receive less attention due to the special child's needs.

Families who live very modestly, directing all their funds to treatment and continuous therapy, usually cannot afford to go to the theater or visit an adventure park. Here we fulfill their incredible dream – a trip, sun, sea, and a wonderful support team! The children return home with shining eyes and immense happiness!

May we continue to bring joy to these children and fulfill their big little dreams in the future!

We will be grateful for every donation

Charity Foundation BeOpen
Reg. No. 50008218201
Address: Smilšu iela 6, Rīga, LV-1050, Latvija
Account No. LV68 CBBR 1123 2155 00430
Bank: BluOr Bank AS (SWIFT: CBBRLV22)
Purpose of the donation: Special Dreams for Special Children

In the photos: Our special children with their families fulfilling their dreams of fantastic trips and new experiences.