Opportunity to Enjoy Winter Fun!

February 27, 2023

We are delighted to have supported a wonderful initiative – providing children with mobility impairments and severe diagnoses the chance to enjoy winter fun during the snowy months by rushing down a snowy hill, just like healthy children do with skis or sleds.

In 2022, the Latvian Association of Skiing and Snowboarding Instructors and Žagarkalns Ski School organized the acquisition of a new and modern sit-ski, specifically designed for people with functional impairments. It is manufactured in Austria, equipped with a shock absorber and various seat sizes, and is currently the only one in the Baltic states.

Specially trained instructors at Žagarkalns have delighted dozens of children for the second winter season. This is a wonderful initiative and a fantastic service that will continue to be easily accessible to clients.

The BeOpen Charity Fund supported the project and the acquisition of the sit-ski with funds donated to the project “Special Dreams for Special Children.”