Report on Achievements in 2023

March 29, 2024

In 2023, the BeOpen Charity Fund focused on children with special needs.

Thanks to the great support and generosity of donors, the fund has helped more than 97 people, mainly children with severe functional impairments. The support provided included funding for intensive rehabilitation courses in Latvia and abroad, purchasing assistive devices, consultations, medical treatments, and surgeries that are not covered by state funding. Assistance was also given to adults with serious illnesses. Overall, more than 250 people received various forms of aid last year.

In 2023, the largest amount of donor funds was raised and used to support children with special needs through the long-standing charity project "Green Lamp." Other long-term charity projects started in previous years were also continued, such as "Special Dreams of Special Children," "Friend for a Special Child," as well as providing ice-skating and wheelchair tennis classes for children with functional impairments. During the reporting period, support was provided to large families and single-parent families with children with special needs.

In 2023, the total amount of donations received by the fund was 622,812 EUR. The charity phone line 90006384 received 44,673 calls throughout the year.

The fund's reputation continues to grow, as evidenced by the large number of donors, both individuals and companies.

The fund also collaborates with other charitable organizations and associations (, the Children’s Hospital Fund, Palīdzē, the “Down Syndrome Latvia” association, “I Want to Help Refugees,” and others), as well as with mass media, continuing to expand its circle of supporters and attracting donations from both individuals and legal entities for the charity work carried out by the fund.

The BeOpen Charity Fund has no paid staff and is grateful to its founder, BluOr Bank AS, for providing functional and technical support to the fund’s activities in 2023.

In 2024, the fund will continue its work, primarily providing support to children with special needs and people with serious illnesses. The work will continue in the same form, attracting targeted donations from legal entities and individuals.